Efficacy of lacosamide in the treatment of non-convulsive seizure and non-convulsive status epilepticus in septic patients: a narrative review


Non-convulsive seizures (NCS) and non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) are of the acute complications of patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), which lead to increased mortality and morbidity. In these cases, immediate treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is important to prevent further damage to the brain. AEDs are the first line of treatment, however, most of these medications have many side effects. In the recent years, significant advances have been made in this area and lacosamide is one of the therapeutic options. The intravenous formulation of this drug is most popular due to the lack of drug-drug interaction and properly designed studies which have been conducted in this field. In this review, the latest findings on the effect of lacosamide on acute non-convulsive and generalized-convulsive seizures (G-CS) are evaluated in critically ill patients admitted to the ICU.

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IssueVol 6 No 3 (2022): Summer (July) QRcode
SectionReview article
DOI 10.18502/fem.v6i3.9401
Critically Ill Intensive Care Unit Lacosamide Non-convulsive Seizures Non-convulsive Status Epilepticus Sepsis

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Amini K, Sahebnasagh A, Mojtahedzadeh M. Efficacy of lacosamide in the treatment of non-convulsive seizure and non-convulsive status epilepticus in septic patients: a narrative review. Front Emerg Med. 2021;6(3):e39.


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