Three Tier Screening Tool and Second Triage to Minimize the Spread of COVID-19 in Emergency Department of a Tertiary Hospital in India
Introduction: Since the outbreak of Coronavirus on December 31, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China, the number of cases from China that have been imported into more than 180 countries and regions around the world.
Objective: The goal of this study is to flatten the curve of new infection, through nosocomial transmission by health care system along with early identification of asymptomatic COVID-19 cases.
Methods: A Survey was conducted over a period of 35 days. A total of 1709 individuals were screened (647 patients and 1062 patient attendees) coming to emergency Department. The waiting area of Emergency Care was divided into 3 screening zones and a separate second triage is established. The individuals entering are ensured that they are screened at all the 3 zones. Individuals were divided into two Groups after screening: Group A (suspected COVID-19) and Group B (unsuspected COVID-19). In Acute emergencies, the patient was directly treated at second triage.
Results: A total of 1709 individuals, 247 in Group A (Suspected COVID-19) and 1462 in Group B (Unsuspected COVID-19). Among 247 individuals, 141 were males and 106 were females. Age ranged from 14-72 years with a mean age of 46.7years. Among 247 individuals (Group A), 81 were patients, of which one case was found to be COVID-19 Positive. Two Health care workers (HCW’s) found to be positive.
Conclusion: Challenges from the widespread pandemic underscores the importance of early implementation of a second triage and vigorous screening for all the individuals to minimize the spread of infection, failing which pandemic infection may turn into an epidemic.
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Issue | Vol 4 No 2s (2020): COVID-19 | |
Section | Original article | |
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COVID-19 Emergency Service, Hospital Secondary Triage |
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