Incident Reporting Systems: How did we get here and where should we go? a narrative review
Since the authoring of the seminal report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System” in 2000, there has been an increased focus on patient safety and the responsibility born by the healthcare system to reduce what are known as adverse events (AE). One of the recommendations of the IOM report was the establishment and development of Incident Reporting System (IRS) that would track AE resulting in serious injury and death. The Joint Commission in the USA similarly requires all hospitals have and use an IRS. The objective of this review is to explore barriers and feature of IRS and patient safety.
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Issue | Vol 6 No 4 (2022): Autumn (October) | |
Section | Review article | |
DOI | 10.18502/fem.v6i4.10441 | |
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Adverse Events Incident Reporting System Patient Safety Risk Management |
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