Comparison of Video Laryngoscopy and Direct Laryngoscopy in the Success of Intubation Performed by Novice Personnel in Patients with Cervical Immobilization: A Manikin Study
Introduction: Pre-hospital intubation is a challenging but essential intervention. During intubation, it is difficult to identify vocal cords when using a cervical collar and trauma board. Therefore, the success rate of intubation by paramedics decreases in trauma patients. Video laryngoscopy increases intubation success rate and has been recommended for difficult airways in studies. Objective: In this study, we compared the intubation success rates when using a video laryngoscope and a direct laryngoscope in a manikin with simulated cervical immobilization. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the manikin’s neck collar and spine board created a complicated airway model with cervical immobilization. Inexperienced paramedic students tried intubation with both methods, and their trial periods were recorded. Students answered a question evaluating the convenience of the procedure for both methods after the trial. Results: In this study, 83 volunteers, who were first-year and second-year paramedics, participated; 32 (38.6%) of the volunteers were first-year students, while 51 (61.4%) were second-year students. All volunteers had previous intubation experience with direct laryngoscopy, but not with video laryngoscopy. There was a statistically significant difference in the first-attempt success rates of the procedure between the groups in favor of video laryngoscope (p=0.022). Note that there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of first attempt durations (p=0.337). Conclusion: Video laryngoscopy in airway management can increase the success rate of first-attempt intubation by inexperienced pre-hospital healthcare personnel.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 5 No 4 (2021): Autumn (October) | |
Section | Original article | |
DOI | 10.18502/fem.v5i4.6693 | |
Keywords | ||
Airway Management Emergency Medical Technicians Immobilization Intratracheal Intubation Neck Laryngoscopes Video Laryngoscopy |
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