Patient Safety Culture in Emergency Departments of Yemeni Public Hospitals: A Survey Study


Introduction: Quality and safety is an important challenge in healthcare systems all over the world particularly in developing parts. Objective: This survey aimed to assess patient safety culture (PSC) in emergency departments (EDs) in Yemen and identify its associated factors. Methods: A questionnaire containing the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) was distributed to ED physicians, nurses, and clinical, and non-clinical staff at three public teaching general hospitals. The percentages of positive responses on the 12 patient safety dimensions and the summation of PSC and two outcomes (overall patient safety grade and adverse events reported in the past year) were assessed. Factors associated with PSC aggregate score were analyzed. Results: finally, out of 400 questionnaires, 250 (64%) were analyzed. In total, 207 (82.3%) participants were nurses and physicians; 140 (56.0%) were male; 134 (53.6%) were less than 30 years old; and 134 (53.6%) had a university degree. Participants provided the highest ratings for the “teamwork within units” PSC composite (67%). The lowest rating was for “non-punitive response to error” (21.3%). A total of 120 (48.1%) participants did not report any events in the past year and 99 (39.7%) gave their hospital an “excellent/very good” overall patient safety grade. There were significant differences between the hospitals’ EDs in the rating of “handoffs and transitions” (p=0.016), “teamwork within units” (p=0.018), and “frequency of adverse events reported” (p=0.016). Staff working in intensive care units (8.4%, n=21) had lower patient safety aggregate scores. Conclusions: PSC ratings appear to be low in Yemen. This study emphasizes the need to create and maintain a PSC in EDs through the implementation of quality improvement strategies and environment of transparency, open communications, and continuous learning.

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IssueVol 5 No 2 (2021): Spring (April) QRcode
SectionOriginal article
DOI 10.18502/fem.v5i2.5618
Communication Emergency Care Patient Safety Culture Questionnaires Staff Attitudes Yemen

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How to Cite
Alsabri M, AlGhallabi M, Al-Qadasi F, Zeeherah A, Ebo A, Ghafouri S, Hassan A, Hamzah M, Najjar S, Bellou A. Patient Safety Culture in Emergency Departments of Yemeni Public Hospitals: A Survey Study. Front Emerg Med. 2021;5(2):e21.


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