Personal Protective Equipment for Protecting Healthcare Staff during COVID-19 Outbreak: A Narrative Review


Context: The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic state as the coronavirus spread across the world. Personal protective equipment (PPE) has become a critical subject during the COVID-19 outbreak. It is necessary to prevent coronavirus transmission to healthcare workers (HCWs) as providing care. They are at high risk of exposure to coronavirus. The aim of this study was to provide a brief review of some routes of transmission of COVID-19, what, when and why PPE is recommended base on the route of transmission. 
Evidence acquisition: In this review, articles were extracted from the Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed search engines. The main keywords for search were coronavirus, COVID-19, personal protective PPE, healthcare, transmission, contact, and protect.
Results: Findings showed the COVID-19 transmission rate in the HCWs that wore PPE significantly decreased. All HCWs must use appropriate and adequate PPE in order to minimize the COVID-19 transmission. 
Conclusion: Although still uncertainty remains around COVID-19 transmission and it is early to have conclusion on its prevention, most of recommendations and guidance have emphasized to apply the PPE during COVID-19 outbreak among HCWs.

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COVID-19 Coronavirus Health Personnel Personal Protective Equipment

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Kalantary S, Khadem M, Golbabaei F. Personal Protective Equipment for Protecting Healthcare Staff during COVID-19 Outbreak: A Narrative Review. Front Emerg Med. 2020;4(2s):e61.


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