FEM in 2024, A quick look


Over the past year, the journal Frontiers in Emergency Medicine (FEM) has reinforced its dedication to advancing emergency medicine by featuring research from five continents, including Iran, Turkey, India, Ethiopia, Spain, Canada, and the United States. The high volume of submissions reflects growing trust in FEM, though only 20.9% are accepted due to stringent scientific and ethical standards. A major milestone this year was FEM's inclusion in the EBSCO and Magiran databases, increasing visibility. FEM aims to expand publishing opportunities while maintaining quality through expert review. This article highlights key achievements and research contributions from the past year.

1. Rahmanian K, Rajabpour V, Rahmanian V, Jokar M, Jahromi HK. Associated factors with intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mortality among road traffic accident victims in southern Iran: results from a trauma registry. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e4
2. Tabatabaei MSHZ, Baigi V, Zafarghandi M, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Hasanloei MAV, Piri SM, et al. Epidemiology of injuries among patients admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital, Urmia, affiliated with the national trauma registry of Iran. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e5-e.
3. Khavandegar A, Yazdi SAM, Salamati P, Zafarghandi M, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Fakharian E, et al. Does a given abbreviated injury scale value in different body regions contribute to the same risks of in-hospital mortality and ICU admission in trauma patients? Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e14.
4. Khavandegar A, Baigi V, Zafarghandi M, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Fakharian E, Saeed-Banadaky SH, et al. Utilizing injury severity score, Glasgow coma scale, and revised trauma score for trauma-related in-hospital mortality and ICU admission prediction; originated from 7-year results of a nationwide multicenter registry. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e22.
5. Bahreini M, Nemeth J. Trauma fellowship for emergency physicians: a necessity or demand? Front in Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e19-e.
6. Sharma Y, Manickam P, John KR, Kishore J, Mangal DK, Singh R, et al. Road traffic accidents and injuries, 2018: a multi-centric epidemiological study from India. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e32.
7. Greenhill M, Natali S, Mushtaq R, Schmit BP. Navigating perils at the US-Mexico border: an illustrated exploration of trauma among southern border migrants. 2024;8(2):e18.
8. Alinezhad M, Alikhani F, Bamarinejad F, Bamarinejad A, Hosseinzadeh F. Incidental findings in brain CT scans of patients with head trauma. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e16.
9. Yamini A, Alipour S, Mansouri R, Asadi KK. case of faecopneumothorax resulting from a delayed diagnosis of traumatic diaphragmatic injury. Front in Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e36-e.
10. Yazici MM, Altuntas G, Gündoğdu H. A mortality indicator in acute pulmonary embolism: the inferior vena cava contrast reflux score feasibility. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e12.

11. Ekici M, Işık GÇ, Varhan ÖED, Çorbacıoğlu ŞK, Çevik Y. The role of thiol/disulfide hemostasis in the diagnosis and severity prediction of acute pancreatitis. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e3-e.
12. Shahir MH, Maroufi P, Paknezhad SP, Mousavi SE, Faridaalaee G. Diagnostic test performance of Amsterdam wrist rules in diagnosing wrist fracture in adults with wrist trauma. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e6.
13. Çinpolat R, Çorbacioğlu ŞK, Emektar E, Çevik Y. The diagnostic value of T-wave to R–wave amplitude ratio on electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of hyperkalemia. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e15.
14. Shotorbani BS, Ajri-Khamesloo F, Alizadeh F, Mahboobi L. Comparison of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, and red blood cell distribution width during the attack phase of familial Mediterranean fever with the silent phase of the disease in patients referred to the emergency department. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e25.
15. Piñero-Saez S, López-González A, Guisado-Requena IM, López-Tendero J, Guerrero-Agenjo CM, García-Alcaraz F, et al. Effects of altitude on biceps brachii and erector spinae muscles oxygen saturation during basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a simulation study. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e31.
16. Heydari F, Meibody AA, Ebrahimi M, Zakeri R, Marzaleh MA, Bagheri R. Hospital safety index: evaluation of the readiness and safety of hospitals in Isfahan province, Iran. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e11-e.
17. Asl YP, Meshkini M, Faridaalaee G. Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases following man-made disasters; a systematic review. . Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e7.
18. Irajian M, Moharrami MR, Nazari M, Pilehvar N. Comparison of infusion of dexmedetomedine and magnesium sulfate on the stability of hemodynamic status during emergency orthopedic surgery: a randomized double-blind clinical trial. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e30-e.
19. Pourlak T, Dehdilani M. Comparison of intranasal versus intravenous dexmedetomidine in postoperative pain control in traumatic mandibular fractures surgery: a randomized clinical trial. Front in Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e34-e.
20. Habtamu A, Mezgebu T, Workina A, Tolessa F, Getahun E, Wondimagegn A, et al. Incidence and predictors of delirium among the intensive care unit patients at Jimma Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e33.
21. Ottoveggio G, Verro B, Nicosia D, Saraniti C. Difficult intubation in critical patient: how can we manage it? a case report. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e27-e.
22. Rashidi S, Moradi K, Vatandost S. Experiences of emergency medical services personnel about barriers and facilitators in prehospital childbirth missions in Iran: a qualitative study. Fronts Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e13-e.
23. Aghababaeian H, Imani A, Masoudiyekta L, Radmanmehr M, Farahmandnia B. The challenges of children's safety in pre-hospital emergencies: a qualitative study. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e23.
24. Pakniyat A, Jafari F, Ahmadi SH, Ghasemi-Rad M, Ghasemi M, Akhbari K. Evaluating the diagnostic efficacy of 12-point lung ultrasound in detecting COVID-19 lung lesions: a comparative study with low-dose chest CT scan. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e2.
25. Akbari H, Safaei A, Akhgar A. Intravascular volume status in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19: a case series. Fron in Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e29-e.
26. Balaji A. Kounis syndrome in the era of COVID-19: pathophysiology, clinical challenges, and therapeutic approaches. Frontiers in emergency medicine. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e35.
27. Yildiz E, Korkmaz HK, Karademir RC, Asan H. An almost forgotten neurological entity: man in a barrel syndrome. Frontiers in Emergency Medicine. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(2):e17.
28. Buyurgan ÇS, Yarkaç A, Köse B. A rare case in emergency department: intracranial dermoid cyst rupture. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e8-e.
29. Mirbagheri S, Afzalimoghaddam M, Edalatifard M, Mirfazaelian H. A 67-year-old man with cardiac air tamponade: a case report. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e37.
30. Aarabi S. A rare case of emphysematous cystitis. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e28-e.
31. Leis M, Kelly B, Vairavanathan R. Hyponatremia as an underdiagnosed postpartum headache emergency: a case report. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e9-e.
32. Leis M, Kelly B, Vairavanathan R. Simulation training improves resident physicians’ confidence in managing first trimester bleeding in the emergency department. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e26.
33. Geraiely B, Salarifar M, Hadizadeh A, Shahmohamadi E, Jalali A, Moghaddasfar T, et al. Impact of cigarette smoking on the outcomes of ST-elevation myocardial infarction after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in metropolitan Tehran. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(3):e21.
34. Eftekhari M. Love protects us; we should take care of it. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e38.
35. Aqavil-Jahromi S. Utilizing design thinking in the administration of emergency departments. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(4):e39.
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Emergency Medicine

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Aqavil-Jahromi S, Mirfazaelian H. FEM in 2024, A quick look. Front Emerg Med. 2025;9(1):e1.


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