A tremendous year terminated, and a bright future is expected


The year 2023 terminated and we need to prepare ourselves for a fresh start and a bright future in the coming year. To accomplish this task, the editorial team of Frontiers in Emergency Medicine (FEM) looks back on the past and reflects on the successes and failures of the journal.

1. Clarivate Master Journal List. 2024. Available at: https://mjl.clarivate.com/journal-profile Accessed 26/1/2024.
2. Yalew A, Urgessa M, Kumsa K, Hafy Z. Psychological problems and associated factors during COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(4): e35.
3.Getachew M, Tadesse H, Degefu N. The severity of mental health problems in healthcare professionals and its associated risk factors during COVID-19 pandemic. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(1): e3.
4. Samimiardestani S, Sharifi M, Farhange Ranjbar M. Personal protective equipment usage among Iranian police officers during COVID-19 pandemic; a cross-sectional study. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(1): e5.
5. Malekshahi F, Baharvand P, Ghaderinejhad H. Assessing the risk perception of COVID-19 among non-infected people attending emergency departments of selected hospitals in western Iran. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(3):e26.
6. Satilmis D, Yildiz E, Cevik E. Prognostic values of urea/lymphocyte and LDH/lymphocyte ratios for predicting mortality in COVID-19 patients. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(3):e24.
7. Liana P, Murti K, Liberty IA, Hafy Z, Umar TP. Scoring system for mortality prediction of in-hospital COVID-19 patients in resource-limited settings: a single center cohort study during Delta and Omicron Waves. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(4):e37.
8. Alavi-Moghaddam M, Sistanizad M, Haghighi M, Sabaghian T, Gholami Chaboki B, Soroureddin Z. Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2: an open label phase II trial. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(1): e7.
9. Eftekhari A, Sharifi T, Baghian N, Askari R. Identification of prehospital emergency challenges in the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(4): e38.
10. United Nations Foundations. available at: https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/05/1136367 Accessed 26/1/2024.
11. W. Hwang C, W. Murphy T, Antoine J, Avery K.L, Carr C, Han F, et al. Cardiac arrest: an interdisciplinary scoping review of clinical literature from 2021. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(1): e8.
12. Madadian S, Rahimi M, Saberian P, Hasani-Sharamin P, Orandi A, Jalali A, et al. Comparison of three methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in terms of improving the skills of emergency medical technicians; a pretest–posttest study. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e14.
13. RKırı ̧s E, Çıkrıkçı I ̧sık G, Nur Karaarslan F,Kerem Çorbacıo ̆glu ̧S, Emektar E, Çevik Y. Correlation of immature/total granulocyte ratio with return of spontaneous circulation and early mortality in nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Front Emerg Med. 2023. 2023;7(3):e27.
14. Musharraf W, Mane SS, Musharraf H. A narrative review of emergency department design strategies to prevent violence against healthcare personnel: an Indian perspective. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e20.
15.Tabuñar SMS, Pagkatipunan PMN. Determination of emergency department patient utilization and staffing at the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH). Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(4): e34.
16. Özdemir S, Altunok ̇I, Algın A. Relationship of the systemic immuno-inflammation index and hematological inflammatory index with mortality and hospitalization in acute pancreatitis: a cross-sectional study. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e13.
17. Amini K, Mojtahedzadeh M, Najafi A, Sharifnia H, Tabatabaei Mohammadi A. Effect of vitamin C on coagulation factors and endothelium function in patients with sepsis. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e16.
18. R. AL-Obaidi F, H. Al-Ali M, Al-Kinani T, Faeel YH, Nassir SH. The relation between ST-segment resolution and in-hospital mortality after primary percutaneous coronary interventions. Front Emerg Med. 2023. 2023;7(3):e25.
19. Rousta F, Nazari M, Mohammadipour Anvari H. The effects of forced air warming system on the hemodynamic status, pain intensity, tremors, nausea and vomiting in candidates of emergency laparotomy patients: a double-blind randomized clinical trial. Front Emerg Med.2023. 2023;7(3):e28.
20.Gharepapagh E, Hassanzadeh K, Ghabousian A, Tarighat F, Paknezhad S P, Balafar. Evaluation of renal function with renography in patients with renal colic. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(4): e33.
21. YekeFallah L, Ahmadi A,Taromiha A, Hoseyni N, Mohammadi S. The effect of propranolol on post-accident stress and clinical outcomes of burn patients: a clinical trial. Front Emerg Med.2023;7(4): e36.
22. Zemestani A, Kavousi A, Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Soori H. Measuring the effect of vehicle safety on road traffic crash severity in Iran: using structural equation modeling. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e17.
23. Nasiri-Valikboni A, Baser Y, Adel Ramawad H, Miri R, Yousefifard M. The diagnostic value of the field assessment stroke triage as an emergency destination tool in identifying the obstruction of large cerebral vessels: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e18.
24. Eftekhari M, Jalili M, Karim A, Doosti–Irani A, Mirfazaelian H. Diagnostic accuracy of inverted grayscale mode in radiographs: a systematic review and meta–analysis. Front Emerg Med. 2023. 2023;7(3):e29.
25. Jalili M. Ups and down of emergency medicine in Iran: an urgent agenda. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(3):e23.
26. Vafaye V, Heydari K, Mardanparvar H, Alizadeh Kaseb A, Safari S. General medicine interns’ attitude in continuing their education in emergency medicine residency programs. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(1): e4.
27. Almulhim KN, Mobarki AO, Aljasir AA, Almulhim AF, Almulhim IM. Does emergency medicine clerkship change students ‘misconceptions towards this specialty? Pre- and post-clerkship perceptions. Front Emerg Med. 2023;7(2): e15.
28.MirfazaelianH, Thiruganasambandamoorthy V. Once in the lifetime experience. Front Emerg Med.2023;7(4): e32.
IssueVol 8 No 1 (2024): Winter (February) QRcode
DOI 10.18502/fem.v8i1.14889
Frontiers Reflection review

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How to Cite
Akbari H, Jalili M. A tremendous year terminated, and a bright future is expected. Front Emerg Med. 2024;8(1):e1.


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